Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Unibroue Night

Manhattan NY-

Last Thursday night I finally made it to one of the beer events that happen in New York during the week and it was a good one to start with. The Belgian Room on St. Marks was featuring beers from Unibroue, which recently has been one of my favorite breweries. The bar was cramped and it was difficult to get to the tasting table where a Unibroue representative was pouring samples of Unibroue 15, 16 and Quatre-Centieme. The beer was delicious but unfortunately it was too loud for us to hear the explanations of the beer.

After struggling to get a Trois Pistoles at the bar we made our way to the back area of the bar which had tables and was more relaxed. Coming into the night I had only had La Fin Du Monde, Maudite, and Chambly Noire. I decided to go with the Trois Pistoles first and it turned out to be my favorite of the bunch. The head retention was incredible and you can definitely pick up on the accents of roasted malt and cocoa. It was very smooth for strong dark ale with an ABV of 9%. My friends Robin and Rich started with the Ephemere, which is brewed with apple must. The choice of granny smith apples gave Ephemere a nice tartness to go with its sweetness.

While waiting for the waitress to come back with my Maudite, a delicious red-amber ale, I was surprised to hear the number of my one raffle ticket announced. I was even happier to find that I had won a taster pack of Maudite, Trois Pistoles, La Fin Du Monde, and Don De Dieu. The Maudite, which was on draft, was as delicious as ever. Unibroue definitely continued to impress.


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